Mirror art

Mirror art featuring a mirror and two coloured hemispheres.

Mirror, wood. acrylic. 30x30x12cm. August 2024

A work on one of my recurring themes of mirrors.

In this work a hemisphere can be seen reflected in a mirror. The hemisphere is positioned so that its reflected image appears in exactly the same location as a second real hemisphere. The second hemisphere is a different colour.

It’s a simple yet arresting effect.

The reflective coating on the mirror is on its front surface rather than the more usual rear surface. This is to avoid the presence of the ghost reflections that are produced by the glass front surface of conventional mirrors.

I’ve been experimenting with mirror based optical illusions and effects like the one in this work since the early 2010s. The main difference between this piece and most of my previous ones is that this one is wall mounted. My interest in mirrors and optics in general date back about fifty five years to when I constructed an astronomical telescope (including grinding the parabolic mirror).

contemporary mirror art