complexity from simplicity

  • Complexity generated from simple forms. Daedim

    Contemporary art meets science - the generation of complexity from simple forms
    A detail from the work

    A detail from an abstract moving image work from a series in which multiple copies of a single shape move and interact using simple computer algorithms, creating complex shapes.
    The series combines my interest in art and science.

    Daedim: abstract moving image

    Animation.     July 2017

    To see higher resolution videos and more information about this series click here.

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  • 30 Disks – interacting simple shapes forming complex shapes

    This video starts slowly. Don’t stop watching it during the first 20 seconds or so.

    30 Interacting Disks

    Abstract moving image    February 2015

    An abstract moving image work from a series in which multiple copies of a single shape move and interact using simple computer algorithms, creating complex shapes.
    In this work 30 disks follow circular paths. Where even numbers of disks overlap they present white, while where odd numbers of disks overlap they present black.
    A key motive behind these video animations is the linking of art and science through the exploration of the creation of complex forms from the interaction of simple forms.

    Below are some still frames from the animation.

    art and science - complexity from simplicity
    art and science - complexity from simplicity
    art and science - complexity from simplicity

    To see higher resolution videos and more information about this series click here.

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