• Contemporary ceramics – organic cones

    Contemporary ceramic art - organic handmade clay cones

    Organic cones

    Glazed ceramic. 2007 30x30x40cm

    A cluster of organic forms, possibly resembling aquatic lifeforms. The small indentations in the top of some of the cones adds to the organic effect. The worm-like appearance of the cones makes them a slightly disturbing.

    The cones are hand-rolled clay.

  • Environmental art

    Contemporary environmental art sculpture

    Environmental art – Earth Bin

    Contemporary art sculpture/installation. January 2017

    I’ve been creating environmental art in one form or another since about 1970. This work is a development of a previous work from the late 1980s.

    The work is a sculpture showing how I feel the human race is treating the environment – by putting the planet into the rubbish bin.
    The sculpture consists of a standard kitchen waste bin, lined internally with very matte black material and with a back-lit image of the earth at its base. The result is the illusion that by looking into the bin you are looking into outer space as though through a porthole in a spacecraft, with the earth floating in the distance. It’s surprisingly effective.
    The kitchen waste bin was deliberately chosen as the reciprocal that contains the earth because of its banality, to emphasise how we are causing environmental damage by depleting the earth’s resources through mundane consumption.

    A version of this work was shortlisted for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2022 and was exhibited in my solo show at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall, the same year.

    contemporary environmental art sculpture
    environmental art sculpture
  • Different artists having the same idea

    Humorous contemporary text-based art

    An example of the same concept by different artists.

    Drawing. 2019. Photo: Harrison and Wood, Frieze, London. 2022

    An example of different artists thinking of the same idea independently.
    My cartoon drawing is a joke about text-based art from a book of cartoons that I produced on the subject of contemporary art and humour in 2019 ( See here ).
    The photograph is of a sculptural text-based work by Harrison and Wood that was exhibited at Frieze London in 2022.

  • Shadow rings – contemporary light sculpture featuring cast shadows

    contemporary light art sculpture with cast shadows

    Shadow Rings.

    Card, acrylic paint, LED light source. 30x15x20cm. 2022.

    A light source shining on painted and folded card cut-outs in the form of rings.
    The shadows cast by the light shining on the rings form half of each full ring on the base of the artwork.
    The video above shows the light turning on and off to show the effect.
    An example of contemporary light sculpture. The piece is deliberately low-tech, using a cheap commercial table lamp as a light source and simple folded card.

  • Procession

    Contemporary sculpture - sphere with hands


    Wooden spheres,plastic hands. May 2022.

    A sculptural piece consisting of toy plastic hands ( sometimes known as finger hands) attached to wooden spheres.
    The hands are almost the only anatomical feature possessed by the spheres. This makes their function ambiguous – are they actually hands, or are they feet?Or even wings?
    The ‘creatures’ in the procession are quite unsettling. Their lack of anatomical features other than hands gives them the impression that they are crawling clumsily and blindly forward.
    Other artworks in this series feature these objects suspended by thread on a mobile. In these works the hands unmistakably also function as wings. In the natural world the wings of birds and bats have evolved from hands (or front feet, which are what hands have evolved from), so the idea of hands being used as wings is far from far-fetched.
    This work is partly inspired by my interest in evolutionary science and the natural world, and partly by my interest in the bizarre and the ambiguous.

  • Political protest art – the Oppressor Impaled by the Oppressed

    Political contemporary art - hammer sculpture - oppression overthrown by the oppressed

    The Oppressor Impaled by the Oppressed. Hammer and nails sculpture.

    Hammer, nails. This version, May 2022. Original concept, 2010.

    This sculpture is partly a metaphor for oppression and rebellion.
    The work shows a hammer nailed to a surface by nails.
    Part of the concept behind the sculpture is that the hammer is being impaled by the objects that it normally hits.
    How did the nails manage to impale the hammer? Were the nails hammered into the hammer by another hammer? In that case the nails are not necessarily a metaphor for the oppressed rising up to overthrow their oppressor (the hammer) using their own power, but are more like the followers of another power (another hammer?) that may turn out to be as oppressive as the hammer that’s been overthrown.
    The use of handyman’s tools such as hammers, pliers and spanners is a recurring feature of my artwork.

    contemporary art exhibition, Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens
    The work in my solo show at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall, 2022
  • Metamorphosis – recycling in contemporary art

    Environmental art - contemporary sculpture from waste packaging

    Metamorphosis (from pie containers to insect larvae)

    Wood (recycled food containers). 2021.

    A sculpture fabricated from recycled wooden pie containers.
    The pie containers, for Charlie Bigham pies (mainly fish pies with the odd cauliflower cheese in there), are stacked as curved forms suggestive of insect larvae such as caterpillars or grubs.
    Insect larvae undergo metamorphosis when they change into the imago or mature form of the insect. Here the pie containers have undergone a similar metamorphosis by turning into the insect larvae.

    This work reflects my interest in the natural world and the environment, as well as my concerns for environmental issues caused by human activity (this work being an example of recycling or upcycling of consumer waste).
    An example of art made from scrap material. A form of arte povera perhaps.

  • Unstable construction

    Contemporary sculpture made of workman's tools

    Unstable construction made of G clamps

    G clamps.    40x40x40cm (variable).    2021.

    A sculpture composed of G clamps.
    G clamps are usually used for holding work together temporarily, such as when components are being glued together. Here the G clamps are holding on to each other so that they are part of a structure themselves rather than an instrument for creating a structure. The angle of the piece gives the structure a feeling of instability. This could have allusions to the instability of the modern world that we have constructed through our use of industry and technology, where the very means by which we have constructed our world leads to its inherent precariousness, especially now that we are inflicting such serious damage on the environment.

  • Sculpture composed of expanded polystyrene packaging

    Upcycled art - sculpture from expanded polystyrene packaging

    Polystyrene Idol

    Expanded polystyrene packaging.    35 x 55cm.    2021.

    A sculpture fabricated from expanded polystyrene packaging – an example of upcycled art.
    Upcycling, or the repurposing of waste or redundant material, is a common phenomenon in art, especially recently since the rise of environmentally orientated art or eco art (and the invention of the word upcycling).
    Of course the practice is probably as old as art itself.
    I’m sure I’m not the first person to notice the sculptural qualities of pieces of polystyrene packaging.

    I call the work Polystyrene Idol because the shapes of the polystyrene in the piece are suggestive of the carved idols of some cultures. In the context of Western culture such an idol may be seen as an idol linked to the cult of consumerism, especially because the polystyrene is the material that protects consumer goods when they are in trannsit, and it is also the discarded waste material once the consumer goods have been acquired by the purchaser.

  • Nailed and clamped sculpture

    Contemporary sculpture with nails and G clamp

    Clamped and nailed

    G clamp, nails, wooden sphere.    20 x 20 x 15cm.    2022.

    This sculpture is almost an accidental artwork.
    The nails in the sphere were put there to attach other objects to. The G clamp is there to hold the two halves of the sphere together (It’s composed of two hemispheres glued together.
    One of the skills needed in art is the ability to see the unexpected.

  • Assemblage of wood blocks

    Contemporary assemblage sculpture - wood blocks

    Wood block assemblage

    2″x2″ wood, acrylic paint. 2022. Height: 12cm, width: variable.

    An assemblage of blocks of wood painted very matte black on the sides and bright white on the top, positioned so that they almost suggest a formation, but not quite. Developed from a chess piece that I created, in which similar blocks formed a more regular chess board formation.
    This photo was taken at my solo show in the gallery at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall.

  • Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens exhibition

    Exhibition at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens

    Solo show, Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens

    May – June 2022

    A general view of my solo exhibition in the gallery at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall.

    Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens exhibition

    More of the work in the show. Don’t forget to notice the hammer and nails.

  • Artwork created from vinyl records

    Contemporary sculpture from vinyl records

    Vinyl Tower

    Vinyl records, mixed media. 2022

    A sculpture constructed from vinyl records.
    The star-shaped object at the top of the tower, which looks like a radio transmitter, is composed of pawns from a chess set (a recurring theme in my work).

    Contemporary sculpture of vinyl records at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens

    The work in my solo exhibition at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Penzance, Cornwall. May – June 2022

    There’s another work composed of vinyl records here.

  • Vinyl records

    contemporary sculpture - vinyl records as art

    Floor sculpture: vinyl records

    12 inch vinyl records     Dimensions variable     May 2022

    A sculptural work composed of a number of 12 inch vinyl LP records arranged on the floor. The records are placed on blocks to hold them above the floor.

    Exhibited in my solo exhibition at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall, in 2022.

    contemporary sculpture - vinyl records as art

    Part of the appeal of this work, to me, is in the fact that the vinyl records of which it is composed are ruthlessly precise and austere in their physical presence – perfect discs of shiny black plastic – but that they contain in themselves the information for producing music, perhaps the most ethereal of art forms. The manner in which the discs seem to hover above the ground seems to link the physical nature of the records with the floating, insubstantial nature of music. The physical delicacy of the analogue information storage system which contains the information about the music on the disks (the grooves) is also significant.

    There’s another work composed of vinyl records here.

  • Abstract paintings and mirror art

    Contemporary art abstract paintings

    Abstract paintings and mirror art

    Solo show, Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, 2022

    Some of my work on display in my solo show at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens, Cornwall, in 2022.

    The abstract paintings are from a series of gouache and acrylic works on paper featuring simple geometric forms in flat colours. The works are all linked by, amongst other things, the use of the curved shapes with bulbous ends that exhibit an unusual organic quality.

    The three works displayed below the paintings are all sculptural works that feature mirrors.

  • Reflections in a mirror through a sieve

    contemporary art reflections through a sieve

    Mirror sieve

    Mirror, sieve 30x25x20cm May 2022

    A kitchen sieve placed in front of an old framed mirror. The reflection of the mesh of the sieve in the mirror creates interesting Moiré fringes as it interacts with the actual mesh.

    When a person looks at their reflection in the mirror through the mesh of the sieve the observer experiences a degree of psychological distancing from their reflected self, almost as though the reflected person is in a strange cage.

    reflection in a mirror through a sieve
  • Mirror art – reflected spheres

    contemporary mirror art multiple reflections

    Ring of Spheres – a study in the hierarchy of forms

    Mirrors, wood, papier mâché 15x28x30cm February 2022

    Two mirrors set at an angle to each other with a hemispherical object placed between them.

    The reflection of the hemisphere in the mirror on which its base rests creates the effect of a complete sphere, while the second mirror generates multiple reflections to give the effect of a ring of spheres. The number of spheres can be changed by varying the angle between the mirrors.

    It’s interesting to notice that when you look at this work you see reflected spheres although in reality you’re seeing reflected hemispheres. The sphere is visually, conceptually and metaphorically a more dominating form than the hemisphere, and thus its apparent presence in this work swamps the actual reality of there only being a hemisphere present.

    This work taps into my interest in the generation of forms from more basic forms, with simple forms being the building blocks of more complex entities and objects (see also my abstract moving image work). In this case the hemisphere can be interpreted as being an incomplete form which transforms into a complete sphere which in turn creates more spheres.

    The sphere can be thought of as a symbol of perfection or completeness, while a hemisphere is axiomatically incomplete (as its name implies).

  • Assemblage from discarded objects

    Contemporary art assemblage from upcycled objects

    Assemblage of discarded objects

    Ball and other detritus. September 2021

    A sculpture or assemblage constructed from old objects such as a discarded ball, clips for holding paper on a drawing board and a discarded homemade ‘constructivist’ toy.
    An example of up-cycling in art, with associations to art movements such as arte povera and environmental art.

  • Sculpture composed of G- clamps

    Contemporary art assemblage from construction tools

    Assemblage of G-clamps

    G-clamps and speed clamp. September 2021

    A sculpture constructed from G-clamps attached to a speed clamp.
    Normally clamps are used in order to hold other objects together (such as glued pieces of wood while the glue dries). Here the clamps are holding each other together. The assemblage can be interpreted as a metaphor for human society holding itseld together by using its own inherent qualities and strengths.

    An version of this concept shows the clamps at an angle – possibly a metaphor for the precariousness of the cohesion of human society.

  • Angled mirror art

    Contemporary art reflections with angled mirrors

    Angled mirror piece

    Wood, acrylic, mirrors. 18x23x18cm. June 2021

    A sculpture formed of two painted wood blocks placed between two mirrors at angles to each other.

    Unlike with most mirrors, which are vertical, the mirrors in this work are at 45 degrees to the horizontal, producing a reflection that includes the vertical axis rather than just the usual horizontal one.
    I think that reflections on the verticle axis are inherently more interesting than those on the horizontal axis because they invert the image top to bottom rather than just flipping it right to left – a right to left reflection simply puts the right side to the left, with the only striking evidence of anything being unusual is when writing becomes back-to-front. Vertically reflected images however turn the whole world upsidedown.